黑貓瑞士卷包 Black Cat Swiss Roll Bag



🐱🍰【Black Cat Swiss Roll Bag】黑貓瑞士卷包 - 毛絨斜挎包,時尚與實用兼具!👜🎂 來自in cream mall的全新創意包款——黑貓瑞士卷包,將甜美與玩趣融入您的每一天!這款獨特的斜挎包,玩偶主體由100%聚酯纖維製成,尺寸為22x7x16cm,完美還原奶油頂和蛋糕胚的細緻質感。黑色卷和流心部分手感絲滑柔軟,既美觀又實用。 🌟 產品特色: - 獨特設計:模仿瑞士卷的造型,加入可愛的黑貓元素,時尚又吸引眼球。 - 高品質材料:100%聚酯纖維,觸感柔軟,耐用。 - 實用空間:輕鬆容納手機、耳機、小雨傘等日常必需品。 一 🐱🍰【in cream center】Black Cat Swiss Roll Bag - Plush Crossbody Bag, Stylish and Practical! 👜🎂 Introducing the new creative bag from in cream mall — the Black Cat Swiss Roll Bag, infusing sweetness and fun into your everyday! This unique crossbody bag is crafted from 100% polyester fiber, measuring 22x7x16cm, perfectly replicating the delicate texture of cream topping and cake base. The black roll and molten core sections are silky soft to the touch, combining both aesthetics and functionality. 🌟 Product Features: - Unique Design: Imitates the shape of a Swiss roll, adding a cute black cat element, fashionable and eye-catching. - High-Quality Material: Made from 100% polyester fiber, soft to the touch and durable. - Practical Space: Easily accommodates essentials like a mobile phone, headphones, and a small umbrella.

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