草杖熏燃燒陶瓷托盤 Smudging Ceramic Tray



✨🌿【Smudging Ceramic Tray】草杖熏燃燒陶瓷托盤 - 潔淨與冥想的藝術🌿✨ 探索北美原住民的傳統熏燃文化,透過草杖熏燃燒陶瓷托盤,尺寸14x1.5cm,為您的家居空間帶來潔淨與平靜。這不僅是一種熏香的過程,更是一種祈求美好與潔淨的儀式。使用時,香氣與煙霧成為潔淨與冥想的媒介,提供短暫卻深刻的精神愈療。 🌟 產品特色: - 文化傳承:體驗北美原住民的傳統熏燃儀式。 - 植物香氣:純植物草杖香氣天然,不同於復合調配香水。 - 手工藝術:每件托盤由工匠手工製作,帶有創作者的溫度和痕跡。 - 特別注意:使用時需注意火安全,熏燃不得超過10分鐘,並在冷卻後處理。 📌 香氣描述: - 秘魯聖木:奶香柑橙調 - 白鼠尾草:辛辣濃香 - 雪松:木質松香 一 ✨🌿【in cream mall】Smudging Ceramic Tray - The Art of Cleansing and Meditation🌿✨ Explore the traditional North American smudging culture with our Smudging Ceramic Tray, measuring 14x1.5cm, bringing purification and tranquility to your home space. This is more than just an incense burning process; it's a ritual for invoking goodness and cleanliness. During use, the fragrance and smoke act as mediums for cleansing and meditation, providing a brief yet profound spiritual healing. 🌟 Product Features: - Cultural Heritage: Experience the traditional smudging ceremony of Native North Americans. - Natural Fragrance: Pure plant-based smudging fragrance, distinct from compound perfumes. - Handcrafted Art: Each tray is handcrafted by artisans, bearing the creator's personal touch and traces. - Special Precautions: Pay attention to fire safety during use, limit smudging to no more than 10 minutes, and handle only after cooling. 📌 Fragrance Description: - Palo Santo: Milky citrus notes - White Sage: Spicy and rich aroma - Cedar: Woody pine scent
